This one is BC exclusive, so for any non BC readers out there, I'm sorry but you just will never fully be able to understand this question. Would you rather have an eight man suite in Welch or a traditional double in Walsh? Now I know that neither of these options actually exist, but thats not the point of this question. The point is how much do you value lower.
For this one, I'm going with the double in Walsh, as I predict most of you will. I mean yeah doubles suck, and Walsh is the shittiest building on lower, and yeah an 8 man is the best room you can get. But the fact of the matter is lower is where its at. Closer to classes, closer to Conte, and closer to every off campus apartment/house. If these were the only factors I would take the 8 man in a heart beat. The deal breaker for me is Mcelroy. Mac is the fucking worst cafeteria I've ever eaten at. I would rather eat at the elementary school cafeteria in Billy Madison with the creepy lunch lady than at Mac. Fuck, at least they got sloppy joes.
Posted by Cstokecity
8 man in welch, soliciting freshman girls. check.