So, who's sick and tired about hearing about the Unbelievable Scenes' rooming situation for 2011? Oh, you are? Well, screw you. I'm not done talking about it. Going to put a little different spin on it though. Everyone knows it's a numbers game. 60% chance of an 8-man. What feels like 0% chance of CoRo, but turns out to be about 99.972% if my math is right. This week brings out the men from the boys. 64% chance of tears from a member of the rooming party, good or bad (we met our quota on both sides of the equation). Last night Rockdaddy the math wizard (102% on his last Multi-Variable-I'm-really-smart-class test) crunched the numbers and found 59 quads available. 20 with mice, 2 with flooding issues, 8 that had been vandalized and another 29 for people who recently slept with someone is ResLife. That leaves two rooms. Like I said, 99.972% chance of CoRo. You're probably saying, "Ahh, shit 3, I'm sorry, you had no chance." Oh ho ho, you are so wrong, my friends. 3 always wins. I always win. We're in room 312. Third floor, coincidence? I think not. 3/12, my birthday, coincidence? Hell no. And to top it all off? Today's March 22, 2011. 3/22 aka #3 Ryan Dunn and #22 Doug Flutie. The two greatest athletes to ever grace the Heights. Coincidence? HA. It's a numbers game ladies and gentleman, and 3 always wins.
Posted by 3